The festival was in a Best Western hotel, and was relatively small. There were a handful of vendors, and a few celebrity guests, but what really struck me was the intimacy and closeness of the event. It was NOTHING like the large celebrity autograph conventions I had been to, and that was SO refreshing. It was all about the films and the film makers, and that's what stuck me. I saw so many great films that weekend and met so many great people, and I was hooked. One person stood out above all, and that person was Elsie Ginsberg, who, at the time, was introduced to me as LC Macabre. She was friendly and genuine and I immediately got a good vibe from her. We hit it off immediately, and I knew that I had found something special in this event. I met several of the staff members, along with many filmmakers, actors and actresses who are still friends to this day.
Macabre Faire - January 2013
Macabre Faire - June 2013
Not only that, but I was touched that LC and the rest of the Macabre Faire staff marked my birthday, along with another member of the Macabre Family, with a cake presented by Eileen Dietz!
I had an amazing time at that first Macabre Faire Red Carpet gala, but little did I know that my experience with Macabre Faire was going to get even better.
One of the other joys of being more involved with the festival is really getting to meet so many of the filmmakers, actors and actresses. I've met so many creative people over the years, and I am proud to call many of them friends.
An important note about 2015 is that for the first time, the Macabre Faire Film Festival partnered with another promotion, the NY Horror Show, which added a new element to the event. There were a few more celebrity guests than usual, a bigger vendor room and yet another AMAZING red carpet gala. Macabre Faire was now THE premiere film festival in the NY area.
Oh, and we also roasted the SHIT out of our buddy Paul Gmitter.
Macabre Faire 2017
This time around I also had the honor of working with the lovely and talented Danielle Najarian on the red carpet, conducting interviews and meeting more of the filmmakers and actors. I introduced her to my strange and wonderful Macabre Family, and she didn't run away screaming!
I also had a blast spending time with the great friends that I have made over the years, mostly because of this very event. On Friday night, we spend two hours roasting my good friend Tom Ryan, and I must say, we did a hell of a job of it.
The Red Carpet Gala was fantastic yet again. It's great to see everyone dressed up and having a great time, and I enjoyed seeing all the winners accept their awards
I could ramble on all night.......There's just so much to say about this event, and I could never possibly put all of my feelings into words. I stand by my statement that the Macabre Faire Film Festival is an event unlike any other. Nowhere else will you really get the sense that it is ALL about the films and the filmmakers, and the friendships and collaborations simply flow from that. I get to a point where words fail, so I will just stop there.
I am honored and proud to have been with the Macabre Faire Film Festival since the beginning, and I look forward to many years to come.
-The Horror Nerd