Which brings me to the topic of this post. We in the indie horror community are constantly bitching about how much Hollywood sucks. How they keep feeding us with endless remakes, prequels, sequels, etc. and how they will never take a chance with a truly innovative film. We make fun of "awards season" and how more attention is paid to what the stars are wearing than anything else.
Then, I suddenly started wondering how many indie filmmakers were sitting at home watching the Oscars and bitching about it, but were secretly wishing that they were up there, nominated (and possibly winning) an Academy Award. I know many, many indie filmmakers who don't give a rats ass about the Oscars, but I suspect that there are more out there than would care to admit that they wish they could be part of that scene. Now, I can understand that to a degree. After all, Hollywood studios are where the big budgets and resources are, and who wouldn't want access to that? I am NOT a filmmaker, but even I can understand the allure to a degree. I just thing people should be honest with themselves, that's all. I also think there's nothing wrong with feeling this way. Just because you want to be a part of bigger and better things doesn't mean you need to start trading in "indie cred."
On another note, there's something else we need to be honest about. There's no shortage of awards in the indie horror industry. There are dozens and dozens of film festivals throughout the year that showcase indie horror films, both short form and feature length. Spending just 20 minutes on Google I was able to find no less than 30 festivals that are happening in 2013 just in the US alone, and I am sure there are a lot more. They all give out awards. Then there the online user surveys, magazine awards (Fangoria, Rue Morgue, etc.) There's no shortage of awards of some kind to be found in the indie horror scene.
Hey Horror Nerd! What's your point???
Good question!! My point is two-fold. One, how can we in the indie horror community make fun of Hollywood for patting themselves on the back, when we sometimes do the same thing, if on a much smaller scale? Second, with so very many festivals and awards out there, at some point, doesn't it become 'diluted' to a degree? If some new promoter starts a new festival and decides to hand out awards, after a while, does it even mean anything any more?
Don't get me wrong. Everyone wants to be recognized for their work and their artistic achievements. Hell, The Horror Nerd works in information technology in "real life" and our department won an award from IBM for our data warehouse design. It was something we are very proud of. There's absolutely nothing wrong for wanting to get your film in front of as many people as possible and to have that work recognized among your peers (and fans). All I am saying is that is seems a little disingenuous to poke fun at Hollywood and then turn around and do the same thing.
Anyway, this is all just one Horror Nerd's humble opinion. I am sure some people will agree, some won't, and some people will probably hate me for this post. That's OK. I stand by my policy of always expressing my honest opinion about things.
The Horror Nerd