Fantacide, 2007 - Directed by Shane Mather

I had heard about this film for a few years, and decided to finally track it down. I am still not sure if that was a wise decision. These eyes have seen things that no one should ever actually see, and this film ranks up there! Usually, when I see a film, I can decide right away whether I liked it or not. With this one, I am still not sure.
The plot should, and I repeat SHOULD be very simple. A modern day Nazi cult is searching for mystical spear that they are convinced will bring about the return of the Third Reich. There are also several other groups that are determined to get their hands on this artifact. I say that this plot should be simple, but the film itself turns out to be a hodge-podge of set pieces that don't seem to move the plot along at all. I found myself being so confused at certain points that I had to just give up and try to enjoy the gore.
The definitely amp up the gore factor in this film. Most of the effects are practical, and are actually quite good, but there were a few acts of violence that did make me roll my eyes. On the plus side, there are some scenes of torture and mayhem that are sure to go down in history. There's something for everyone in the offensiveness department, and this movie is definitely NOT for sensitive eyes! Rape, sodomy, bestiality, animal cruelty, necrophilia, homosexuality, name it, it's there!
One down side is that many of the characters speak in a Cockney dialect that is sometimes difficult to understand. But not to worry! 99% of the time in this film, the dialogue is the last thing you'll be paying attention to!
If you are a true gore hound and want to make sure that you have seen everything there is to be seen in the gore department, then you should definitely try and find this film. It was released officially years ago, but is now out of print and is very hard to find. Do I recommend it? I would have to say yes, if only for completeness sake. For someone like myself, who seeks out extreme films, I'm glad I saw it. Is it a "good" film, that all depends. Don't go into it looking for a strong plot! Enjoy the violence!
Horror Nerd's Rating: 2 1/2 Broken Eyeglasses!
The plot should, and I repeat SHOULD be very simple. A modern day Nazi cult is searching for mystical spear that they are convinced will bring about the return of the Third Reich. There are also several other groups that are determined to get their hands on this artifact. I say that this plot should be simple, but the film itself turns out to be a hodge-podge of set pieces that don't seem to move the plot along at all. I found myself being so confused at certain points that I had to just give up and try to enjoy the gore.
The definitely amp up the gore factor in this film. Most of the effects are practical, and are actually quite good, but there were a few acts of violence that did make me roll my eyes. On the plus side, there are some scenes of torture and mayhem that are sure to go down in history. There's something for everyone in the offensiveness department, and this movie is definitely NOT for sensitive eyes! Rape, sodomy, bestiality, animal cruelty, necrophilia, homosexuality, name it, it's there!
One down side is that many of the characters speak in a Cockney dialect that is sometimes difficult to understand. But not to worry! 99% of the time in this film, the dialogue is the last thing you'll be paying attention to!
If you are a true gore hound and want to make sure that you have seen everything there is to be seen in the gore department, then you should definitely try and find this film. It was released officially years ago, but is now out of print and is very hard to find. Do I recommend it? I would have to say yes, if only for completeness sake. For someone like myself, who seeks out extreme films, I'm glad I saw it. Is it a "good" film, that all depends. Don't go into it looking for a strong plot! Enjoy the violence!
Horror Nerd's Rating: 2 1/2 Broken Eyeglasses!